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Placemaking – How We Shape Our Community

Reflecting on placemaking this morning and how we are all shaped and impacted by our neighbourhoods and communities where we live. Perhaps none more so than Artists and Creatives.

The converse is true too. Our creativity also shapes our community.

Creative Placemaking - 'is generally understood as the use of arts and culture by diverse partners to strategically shape the physical and social character of a place in order to spur economic development, promote enduring social change and improve the physical environment.' (Reconnecting to Our Waterways; ArtPlace America; The Kresge Foundation; Walker, Jim )

We all have a role to play in making a difference where we live, work, play and shop. This is the collaborative vision that inspired the founding of our myNiagara Online Community Platform. Learn more here.

The collage I created here features #Montreal artist - Jacques Bossé https://jacquesbosse.com/ who also happens to be our very talented cousin. John and I are just home from a visit to his studio in #StHenri in Les Quartier du Canal.

Check out the community website for the district https://lesquartiersducanal.com/ - what a fine example of #Tourism combined with community-based #EconomicDevelopment marketing approach.

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